Wednesday, 18 November 2020

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What is note taking???

πŸ’“Writing down ideas from lectures and readings in our own words

Why take notes?

πŸ’›Helps us to pay attention in class
πŸ’›Helps us study for quiz, tests/ final exam
πŸ’›Helps us improve our memory
πŸ’›Helps us take ownership of ideas
πŸ’›Helps us engage our senses
πŸ’›Helps us organize and process data and information
πŸ’›Helps the lecturers test students on how well their captured given information.

Why review notes?

πŸ’—We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within in a few hours
πŸ’—Identify any questions for peers, the next class, or ask the professor
πŸ’—There is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular        basis
πŸ’—Think : " if I were tested on this lecture tomorrow would I ace it? " Make it so !

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TAKE TIME EVERY DAY TO REVIEW NOTES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Why " recapture " notes after class?

Frees you up to write in quick, shorthand during class πŸ’…

πŸ’«An excellent test-prep strategy for reinforcing information better than re-copying, this time you're digesting & rephrasing

Great for Kinesthetic learners
Can catch??s, gaps, look-up words
Prompts higher-level questions
Saves hours of studying and review the days before test

Introductory Questions

What  materials do we need?

πŸ’šLoose -leaf paperπŸ’š

How do we take notes?

πŸ’œDate and label notes
πŸ’œGive ourselves space to write
πŸ’œUse abbreviations and symbols
      πŸ‘‰What are some examples of symbols and abbreviations?
πŸ’œUse an outline to show:
    πŸ‘‰ Main ideas
πŸ’œUse our own language

How do we prepare for class?
πŸ’™Do pre-reading and homework
πŸ’™Review syllabus
πŸ’™Preview previous notes
πŸ’™Look up key words prior to class
πŸ’™Plan on listening 80% of the time and 20% of the time
πŸ’™Write the date at the top of you paper for notes
πŸ’™Leave spaces between the lines so that add information later

While taking notes

πŸ‘Be an aggressive, not a passive, listener
-Ask questions and discuss if its permitted
  • if not , jot question in your notes
  • seek out meaning

Key action to note as you OBSERVE your instructor

πŸ’€Be alert to repetition - when an instructor repeats a specific point, make a note of it
πŸ’€Watch the board or overhead projector - If an instructor writes something down, the material is   
πŸ’€Notice the instructor's interest level - If the instructor is excited about something, it is likely to be       on an exam        
πŸ’€Let go of judgement about lecture styles - Don't let your attitude about an instructor's style
 get in the way of your education

What happens when your instructor isn't too interesting *tips

πŸ‘ŒWhen you notice your attention slipping, pay attention to the ACT of writing
πŸ‘ŒAsk questions - Chances are, the question you think is 'dumb' is on the mind of the several classmates
πŸ‘ŒVolunteer for - demonstration and discussion
πŸ‘ŒSit in front of the room - It has been proven that students who sit close to the front are more likely to do better on tests because:
  • it is harder to fall asleep
  • the board is easier to read
  • the instructor can see you more easily
*Also when you sit in front, you are declaring your willingness to take a risk and participate*

Cornell Note Taking

✌Two column method -- Outlining -- Mapping method  -- Sentence method  

Example πŸ‘‡

How to review after a class?

πŸ’šReview notes along with the book
πŸ’šCreate your own example
πŸ’šDiscuss and compare notes with others
πŸ’šRe-write notes
πŸ’šPractice those skills you wish to develop
πŸ’šAsk professor for clarification

Remember SQ4R

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